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"Pick My Brain" Session

I love connecting people, providing resources, brainstorm ideas, looking at potential partnerships and suggesting opportunities for impact.

My business has been growing and expanding quicker than I thought and I am thankful and blessed for being able to support organizations become Latino-Ready™. And to help Latino professionals reach their potential, succeed, and thrive in Greater Cleveland.

I try to help and talk to everybody that needs me or wants to talk to me. Every week I receive a handful emails or calls from people or organizations looking for me to initiate a conversation, provide them with resources about Cleveland, the Latino community or help them brainstorm and strategize around DEI, and attracting and retaining Latino talent.

I don’t want to leave them hanging. I also can’t give away hours of time on free advice. To answer these requests, I have developed a “Pick My Brain” session.

A “Pick My Brain” session is a fully loaded, high-value, information-intensive zoom meeting that can get you started and guide you on the right direction.

  • Intake survey to learn about your goals for the session. 

  • A 60-minute zoom call full of insightful, honest and valuable information, ideas, resources and connections. This strategic call will be based on the information provided in the intake survey. 

  • Audio file with the recorded session, for your personal use and review, and to avoid wasting time taking notes.


  • A 90-minute session packed with information, ideas, quick solutions, resources and strategic connections that can jumpstart/ignite your strategic thinking around DEI issues and challenges, particularly as they relate to the Latino community and a Latino talent strategy.

  • If you are an up-and-coming Latino professional, this session will help you strategize around your role in the community, identify opportunities for professional and leadership development and boost your networking.

  • This session can help you get acquainted to the area, if you are a newcomer, a transplant from another city in the United States, or another country.

  • Sessions can be done in English or Spanish.

  • This session is not meant to offer you a long-term strategic plan solution to your talent attraction and retention issues, your diversity, equity and inclusion challenges.

  • I am not providing a bunch of names of people that you can just call and bother to sell your programs or offer a job. This is a strategic session to better understand where are some opportunities for you to explore further, on your own, or with my support as a consultant.

  • I do not share information about my network broadly. I can offer some suggestions of people you may need to approach, meet, connect with but I will not blast my network or distribute your information in AmMore’s newsletter.

  • Fill out our INTAKE FORM to get started. Sessions are $199 for self identified Latino professionals, $299 for small business owners and small non-profit organizations (less than 100 employees), and $399 for large companies and for profit organizations (100+ employees).

  • 48 hours after receiving the Intake form, you will receive a follow up email with next steps and a calendar invite.

What IS Included in a Session?

What This Session IS

What This Session is NOT

How to Book a "Pick my Brain" Session

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