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The 100+ Latinos™ Cleveland Must Know

The "100+ Latinos™ Cleveland Must Know" is an initiative created by AmMore Consulting in 2020 to elevate the profile of the Hispanic/Latino/Latine/Latinx community of Greater Cleveland and other metropolitan areas. We provide a platform for greater visibility, exposure, professional and leadership development opportunities for professionals that self-identify as Hispanic, Latino/a/x/e.


This platform is intended to shine a positive light around Latino professionals and the Latino community. AmMore's efforts are focused on changing the narrative and expanding the awareness around who Latinos are and what are our contributions to the United States.

We, Hispanics, Latinos, Latinx, are a growing force in the United States, and although still small in Greater Cleveland, we are mighty and we are ready to take the next step to become leaders and contributors to the economic and cultural development of this region.

This program is targeted to professionals, entrepreneurs, artists and individuals looking for opportunities for career growth, civic engagement and leadership development. This is a visibility platform for NEW and up-and coming talent that has not had other venues to shine. Although this program may be seen as a recognition to Latinos doing great work, it is not intended to be ONLY a recognition platform but mostly an opportunity platform for Latinos ready to grow, lead, serve and become more visible.

Nominations for this program MUST be done by the individual interested in being part of the cohort; in other words, you are self-nominating. We do this because of what we just mentioned above: this program is for individuals looking for new platforms and opportunities and YOU are the only one who can decide if you are ready to take the spotlight. If you know a Latino that may be interested in being part if this platform, share their names HERE and we will invite them to be part of the upcoming cohort!

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